El “Centro de Poesía Visual”, es un centro de documentación del experimentalismo poético contemporáneo, ubicado en la localidad de Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo desde octubre de 2005.

Es un Centro de carácter público, que depende de la Concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo, y que cuenta con la colaboración de la Diputación Provincial de Córdoba. Es centro referente de esta forma de arte contemporáneo y también una propuesta cultural dentro y fuera de España.

Como centro de documentación y estudio dispone de bibliografía especializada y documentos originales, así como una muestra amplia de revistas experimentales y revistas-objeto. Así mismo dispone de una sala de exposiciones con poemas visuales y poemas objetos internacionales. Como lugar de consulta dispone de un amplio archivo de autores y estilos.

Como centro de documentación vivo es productor de diferentes publicaciones que ven la luz diariamente en su “Revista electrónica de Poesía Visual” o trimestralmente con la revista “eiffel Terrible y cuatrimestralmente con la revista ensamblada “Grisú”, entre otras.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

International MAIL ART Exhibition in Athens

Human, Colours, Music

International MAIL ART Exhibition in Athens

21-28 June 2010

On the occasion of the slogan “Donate a chance at life” of the Hellenic Society of Haematology, we are organizing a Mail Art exhibition in Athens, Greece and we are inviting artists from all over the world to participate and donate, with their work, the blood of life for their fellow-man.
Title: Human, Colours, Music
Technique: fNegritaree.
Format: painting, drawing, print, collage, Envelopes, Postcards, Artistamps, small sculptures, ceramics (without frame or glass)
(Only original works will be accepted, photocopies or e-mails of works will not be accepted)
Size: post card (10x15 cm), ex libris, A4 (19x21 cm), 3d.
All works must be sending by post with postage stamps.
Works will not be returned, they will all be exhibited.
All proceeds will be donated to the Hellenic Society of Haematology (www.eae.gr/new/index.asp) and will be auctioned by it for its purposes.
The exhibition will be held in Syntagma Square in Athens from the 21st until the 28th of June 2010.

21-28 June is the European Week Against Leukemia and Lymphoma.
21 June is observed as World Music Day

The exhibition will also be presented in Thessaloniki on November 10th 2010 at Vellideio Cultural Centre, from the same organizers.

Artists who wish to take part in this exhibition as well should send their works until September 10th 2010. If you send your works for both exhibitions please note which one is for each exhibition.

Catalogue will be sent to everyone by the Hellenic Society of Haematology.
Online catalogue on the website:

-Main Organisation:
-Hellenic Society of Haematology www.eae.gr/new/index.asp
-Under the auspices of the:
-José Carreras Friends Association of Greece-Fight against Leukemia (www.carreras-gr.blogspot.com and the
-Gina Bachauer International Music Association (www.bachauer.org)
-Exhibition coordinator - Curator: Thomai Kontou
-Special Music Consultant: Constantine P. Carambelas-Sgourdas

Deadline to be received: May 30, 2010

Works can be sent to:

Thomai Kontou
Xanthou 9,
40200 Elassona,

e-mail: thomaikontou@gmail.com

Please do not forget to note your address and e-mail.
Any artist is welcome to paint on music paper if they wish to. Examples of music paper can be found at the following website: www.dolmetsch.com/manuscriptpaper.htm
The exhibition will form part of the events presented in Athens during the annual World Music Day (June, 21).